From the Très Riches Heures to the Master of Spencer 6
The Adventure of a Lifetime: A 13th-century manuscript of the Alexander Romance in Prose
This astonishing book, created over 700 years ago, is a treasure of literary and art history and represents one of the most important sources for the storytelling traditions of mankind: the Alexander Romance in prose in its extremely rare second... -
Exploring the Spitzer Hours: A coveted Masterpiece from Flanders
The Spitzer Hours, a masterpiece of 16th century Flemish illumination, is a remarkably luxurious prayerbook made for a fashionable, wealthy patron. Dr. Bodo Brinkmann, curator of Old Master Paintings at the Kunstmuseum Basel, offers fascinating insights on the artwork and... -
TEFAF 2025 Press Releases
Klicken Sie hier für den Download der Deutschen Pressemitteilung (inklusive Fotos und Bildunterschriften)! Click here to download the English Press Release (including high-res images and captions)! -
Our 2025 Highlights
Flip through our illuminated manuscripts page by page and learn more about them in our videos featuring leading experts in the field of art history. Furthermore, more photos and descriptions are waiting to be explored! -
From the Invention of the Renaissance
This magnificent antiphonary is painted by one of most outstanding assistants of Giotto di Bondone, the Master of Santa Cecilia. Large choir books like this are very rare to find, especially in such an excellent condition. Its 10 large historiated... -
The Most Distinguished of Relics
One of the most fascinating aspects of researching our manuscripts is discovering the many secrets hidden within their pages, just waiting to be found by the keen observer. While inspecting one of the finest examples of early French Gothic illumination... -
What to read in 15th century Strasbourg
What have Alexander the Great, the mermaid Melusine, and Lucifer’s lawyer in common? Their fascinating stories can all be found in this brilliant Sammelband (a collection of multiple works), bringing together 6 of the most popular German literary texts of... -
Nox Auriflua: Illuminating Easter with a Medingen Prayerbook
Rediscovered: Guillaume de Digulleville’s Pèlerinage de la Vie Humaine
Embark on a spiritual journey with Guillaume de Digulleville’s Pèlerinage de la Vie Humaine and the Pèlerinage de l'Âme, one of only two manuscripts containing both of the texts in their distinct versions. Delve into the dream-vision of Guillaume, encountering... -
Epic Tales Unveiled: The Histoire Ancienne made for King Charles V
Explore the captivating Histoire ancienne, adorned with 76 miniatures and 2 magnicent frontispieces, most likely created for King Charles V. From Genesis to Julius Caesar, this chronicle contains epic tales and decisive battles of Antiquity. Illuminated by the Master of... -
TEFAF Maastricht Highlights 2024
Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books returns to TEFAF this year with a splendid selection of precious manuscripts and rare books. Our highlights this year are three outstanding manuscripts that convey the breadth and beauty of medieval manuscript illumination and carry... -
The Splendour of Miniatures
We are delighted to share these wonderful insights into our outstandingly beautiful miniatures with you. To discover more of our miniatures, see our related digital publication: Miniatures shown in this video are in order of appearance: Miniature illustrating the... -
A Star over Basel
Since the 5th century B.C., the area at the bend of the Rhine, on which the city of Basel now stands, has been inhabited. First by Kelts, but not much later, the Romans discovered the lovely and strategically beneficial spot.... -
Frieze Masters London 2023: Video Highlights
In our newest video series, we are showcasing our three splendid highlights for this year’s Frieze Masters in London: The Liechtenstein Tacuinum Sanitatis, the Warburg Rosarium, and the Great Hours of Galeazzo Maria Sforza. -
Rare insights into 15th century: The Tacuinum Sanitatis
This extraordinary secular picture book is a highly unusual witness to everyday life in 15th century Padua. Originally a medical handbook, or a guide to healthy living, the miniatures, all of high artistic quality, are now presented without the accompanying... -
A sublime Mystery: The Warburg Rosarium
This slim, luxury Rosary offers an intriguing mystery. With no clues as to its first owner, the stunning manuscript contains 11 full-page miniatures, 10 of which face a text page with a full border. However, the text remains unfinished. The... -
Made for a Prince: The Great Hours of Galeazzo Maria Sforza
This is a luxurious and large format Book of Hours written and illuminated for Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Count of Pavia and Duke of Milan. With five splendid title-pages with golden display script, one hundred large illuminated initials, small historiated initial... -
Popes, Conversos, and the Eternal City
In our newest blogpost, Oxford Dphil. cand. Eduardo Benítez-Inglott y Ballesteros, discusses the author of the Meditationes seu contemplationes devotissimae, Cardinal Juan de Torquemada. One of the most outspoken papal apologists at the height of the ecumenical councils of... -
Bible historiale videos
This fascinating narrative Bible was illumianted by the Master of the Berry Apocalypse in Paris around 1416. In three parts, Dr Sara Öberg Strådal introduces this stunning book and the artist, the book itself, and the stories within. This stunning... -
Videos of a unique Book of Hours
This beautiful manuscript is the work of the Master of Francois de Rohan and one other artist. In this first of three videos, Dr Ina Nettekoven introduces this wonderful little prayerbook which was produced in Paris for the English market... -
Videos on a very special Psalter
In the first of three videos, Dr Sara Öberg Strådal introduces this enchanting little Psalter illuminated by the Franciscan Master of Bruges in the middle of the 13th century. -
In Luke's Gospel (2:1-20), the story of Christ's birth is told. Most of us have known it since childhood: In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. This was... -
The Post-Gutenberg Era
The first book to be printed with movable type printing was a Bible - the Book of Books. Around 1454/55, Johannes Gutenberg from Mainz set about the daunting task of printing a Bible with 324 pages in folio format. Gutenberg's... -
Waiting for the Lord: Dürer’s Apocalyptic Influences
중세의 음악과 아름다움을 서울로 가져오다
Bringing Medieval Music and Beauty to Seoul
After expanding from London to include fairs in both New York and Los Angeles, the first ever Frieze Art Fair in Asia is due to open Seoul in September. . This contemporary art fair will present some of the most... -
The Arenberg Hours: a small enchanting prayer book
Featured at TEFAF Online 2022, this fantastic Book of Hours, with stunning floral border illuminations, is a fantastic example of late medieval Flemish illumination. Here, Dr Sara Öberg Strådal talks about some of the decorations of this beautiful manuscript. . -
A richly decorated Missal with an extraordinary Crucifixion
Featured at TEFAF Online 2022. This fantastic liturgical book was painted by the Vincent Master in the third quarter of the 13th century. Here, Dr Sara Öberg Strådal discusses the extraordinary illuminations in this fascinating work of art. -
A brilliant chronicle with an impressive provenance
Featured at TEFAF Online 2022, this marvellous historical chronicle was illuminated by the Master of the Coronation of Charles VI and a collaborator. Here, Dr. Erin Donovan deep-dives into the wonders of this fascinating work of art. -
Obsequiale for the First Bishop of Cuba Acquired by Two Bruges Institutions
Now in the possession of the Musea Brugge and Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge , this delicate manuscript is a dedicatory liturgy and mass for the passing of Bishop Jan de Witte. For its small size and specific use, this illumination... -
A Contemplation on the Psalms
This complete and well-preserved codex in an impressive folio format contains the Psalter commentaries by Peter Lombard. The text was highly in demand and often copied in the Middle Ages. The manuscript at hand is a deluxe copy illuminated in... -
Sales to the Metropolitan Museum of Art Continue to Inspire
Two manuscripts sold by JGRB to the New York Institution are examples of a continued fascination with manuscript art. -
Royalty and Reverence: The Life of St. Radegund
Illuminated by a Poitevin miniaturist, now dubbed the Master of Radegund, this is a beatiful, moving work of art with a royal provenance. Made for King Charles VIII and his wife, Anne of Brittany, the Life of St. Radegund documents... -
New Acquisitions coming to Frieze Masters 2021
It's an exciting time for Dr Jörn Günther Rare Books, with the publication of our new brochure, Collecting Culture , imminent and the upcoming Frieze Masters in London, our first in-person event after so long away. -
New Home for Queen Anne de Bretagne's 'Epistres d'Ovide'
Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books is proud to announce the sale of the Epistres d'Ovide, translated by Octovien de Saint-Gelais and illuminated by the Master of the Chronique Scandaleuse. This stunning manuscript was composed for Queen Anne de Bretagne,... -
The Life of a Manuscript
Continuing our series exploring the life of a particular object, we look at the history of this Book of Hours, Use of Sarum (Bruges, c. 1430), illuminated by the Masters of Otto van Moerdrecht. This elaborate prayer book has a... -
A Parisian Masterpiece: the Unknown Volume of Plutarch's Lives
This magnificent manuscript has only recently been identified, miraculously in near-perfect condition. Commissioned by Philippa of Guelders for her son Antoine of Lorraine, it was likely meant as educational literature for the prince, one of a set of manuscripts that... -
Louvre Abu Dhabi's February Exhibition
Displaying Islamic and Christian items of the Medieval Chivalric world, the upcoming exhibition Furusiyya: The Art of Chivalry between East and West (19 February – 30 May 2020) at the Louvre Abu Dhabi is not to be missed. Among the... -
The Life of a Miniature
A new blog series focusing on an item's ownership history. The Life of a… series will focus on a particular item, the hands it has passed through and the eras it has survived. When viewed alone, it is easy to... -
Manuscript Mysteries
The Worship of a Pious Woman
This wonderful manuscript was illuminated by the Franciscan Master; its five full-page miniatures on burnished gold backgrounds depict saints and Biblical scenes. This Psalter (1255-60), colourful and lively, was likely used by Franciscan friars who would often act as religious... -
Showcase: TEFAF Online 2020
Presented as a highlight for TEFAF Online New York 2020, the 'Epistres d'Ovide' (1493) stuns with colourful illuminations and a gripping narrative, created originally for Queen Anne de Bretagne -
Eternal Perspectives: Sir Norman Rosenthal's 'Forever' Collection
Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books is honoured to have been included in Sir Norman Rosenthal’s Forever collection for the Frieze Masters 2020 Online Viewing Room. The item chosen by Sir Norman, Jean Pélerin’s Von der Kunst Perspectiva, is the first... -
The San Salvador Huejotzingo Pleitos
This manuscript in Spanish and Huejotzinca with Náhautl pictographs, dated 1571, was written by at least two hands. -
Notable Sale to the Bavarian State Library in Munich
Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books is very proud to announce three notable sales to the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München : A richly illuminated, small-format prayer book in German by Nikolaus Glockendon for Wolfgang Hofmann , head of the Fugger trading branches... -
Summer Exhibition Tour
Every summer we create an exhibition of our fantatic collection of illuminated manuscripts, minatures, and early printed books at our Basel gallery. This year, we filmed a tour of this exhibition, led by our Deputy Director, Dr. Erin Donovan. We... -
New Collaborative Catalogue
We are pleased to announce the launch of a special collaboration between Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books and six of our fine, book-loving colleagues. This online catalogue, titled Amor Librorum Nos Unit , presents a selling exhibition of rare books... -
Handle with Care
Felix Arabia
This is the third blog post of our series, in which we take Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books' fine manuscript of the Collectanea rerum mirabilium , or Polyhistor, by the 3rd century geographer Gaius Iulius Solinus, as a point of... -
Britannia and Hibernia – on the edge of the world
While strict rules on social distancing apply, not being able to travel may hurt bibliophiles less than others because they know how to travel through books. Sitting in a comfortable chair with a beloved book in our hands, we are... -
Travelling in time and space
Not being able to travel, since borders are closed and strict rules on social distancing apply, may not hurt bibliophiles as much as others. The more so, since we know that books allow us to travel while staying safely at... -
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions we get asked most frequently include the following: How do rare books, manuscripts, and miniatures fit into the field of art and antique collecting? What are some of the most common misconceptions about the world of rare books and... -
A Tale of Two Artists
At the beginning of the 16th century, the city of Nuremberg was the centre of the German Renaissance. Two wonderful artists worked there: the great painter and celebrated print artist, Albrecht Dürer, and Nikolaus Glockendon, one of Germany’s most talented... -
Albrecht Dürer and the Renaissance North of the Alps
The Female Side of the Story
This video from our research library presents an extremely rare compilation of five of Ovid’s Heroides , in French translation by Octovien de Saint-Gelais. This manuscript was made for Anne of Brittany, Queen of France. The subject matter, the heroines... -
A Crown on a Career
Three Magi
Their story is known by more than a billion people all over the world: Three Magi travelled from the Orient to Bethlehem guided by a star. They found the Christ Child in a humble stable lying in a manger and... -
The Discovery of Perspective
Perspectives of all times
Perspective is the art of representing the world in the way the human eye perceives it. Questions of visual perception and spatial arrangement have continuously been discussed and remain relevant, whether in surrealist painting, in constructivism or in any other... -
Perspective is the art of representing the world in the way the human eye perceives it. The questions of visual perception and spatial arrangement have preoccupied artists for centuries and continue to be influential. The effort to scientifically reconstruct human... -
Hours to Watch
A Medieval Bestseller
This video from our research library presents an impressive, large-format volume of the second part of the popular Vita Christi , or La grande vie du Christ in French translation by Guillaume Lemenand. It was commissioned by Philippa of Guelders... -
An Exciting Discovery: The Fauquier Hours
Our senior researcher Helen Wüstefeld sat down with one of our guests, Professor Gregory Clark, to have a closer look at the Fauquier Hours . This Book of Hours had disappeared from the public eye for half a century and... -
Fine Manuscripts for the House of Lorraine
Theuerdank: Courtly Love and the Last Knight
The Emperor Maximilian as a Romantic Hero
The Theuerdank is an epic poem that celebrates the exploits and heroic deeds of Emperor Maximilian I. In this propagandistic, allegorical work, he is represented as the Knight Theuerdank, who overcomes numerous perils to win Queen Ernreich, representing Mary of... -
Impressive script
The script that we use in the West – as well as many other things – goes back to Roman times where we can find the inspirational and lasting examples. By the first century CE, when most of western Europe... -
What Are Incunables?
This video from our research library gives an overview of the first printed books, referred to as incunables, featuring an extremely rare Sammelband , a collection of six popular, illustrated, German literary works. These sought-after tales include the stories of... -
Heroes, but what about Heroines? – Part I
As a follow-up to his bestselling Mythos, Stephen Fry brilliantly retells the tales of Greek heroes in his new book, Heroes. Mortals and Monsters. Quests and Adventures. This time – and with the Gods still very much around – Fry... -
Fabulous Fables
Mesmerizing Miniatures
A Long-Lost Treasure: The Fauquier Hours
The Fauquier Book of Hours only recently resurfaced after having disappeared from the public eye for more than half a century. Two artists painted this manuscript’s thirteen beautiful, colourful miniatures that glisten with gold – which gives evidence of a... -
Perpetuating 'memoria'
Nuremberg at the end of the 15th century, was one of the most bustling and industrious cities in Europe. With its vibrant art scene, its flourishing industrial areas, and devotional activities throughout the city, it attracted many visitors. From far,... -
Compilation of Canon Law Issued by Successive Popes
This previously unknown, high-quality, legal textbook from the 13th century is a comprehensive compilation of canon law issued by successive popes, including decisions of Church councils, papal bulls, and excerpts from texts by church fathers and theologians. This exciting new... -
Heroes, but what about Heroines? – Part II
As a follow-up to his bestselling Mythos, Stephen Fry brilliantly retells the tales of Greek heroes in his new book, Heroes. Mortals and Monsters. Quests and Adventures. This time, Fry enters the Age of Heroes – where heroines are not... -
Radiant Renewal - Part 2
Radiant Renewal - Part 1
An enigmatic interpretation? Two devices explained.
The fine humanist manuscript of Solinus' Collectectanea rerum memorabilium ('collection of memorable things') is most elegantly executed. When we were analyzing the book, the devices on the openings page of the text remained unexplained. Here we try to solve the... -
A painted Christmas tale
The birth and especially the resurrection of Christ are the most important festive days for Christianity. They form the beginning and the end of the winter cycle during the ecclesiastical year. Many medieval liturgical books revolve around the celebration of... -
Finest Book of 2018
An astonishingly fine Bible
During the first half of the 13th century, Blanche of Castile (d. 1252), queen and queen mother of France, often resided in Paris. Her patronage of illuminated manuscripts was extensive and refined, for which she is called “the first important... -
Light in Midwinter
Lost Love, but Love not Lost
Three "Beauties"
Art as Therapy
This year, our exhibition at Frieze Masters has an unusual theme. Inspired by Alain de Botton’s and John Armstrong’s book Art as Therapy, the exhibition will include a thematic display that focuses on the emotions that the artworks convey, or... -
Have Mercy!
The World of Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor
The Wedding Hours is a highly important work of cultural heritage, and is of exceptional historical and art-historical value. This manuscript is the long-lost wedding gift created for Bianca Maria Sforza (1472-1510) upon her marriage to the Holy Roman Emperor... -
What’s in a name ?
Mythos: Antiquity forever, forever Antiquity - 2
Two miniatures in the manuscript made for Raphael de Mercatellis (see previous blog post ) tell the mythological story of Yo and her warder Argus (a story told by Ovid [d. 17 CE], Metamorphoses I: 601-788). The illustrations show that... -
Mythos: Antiquity forever, forever Antiquity - 1
For centuries, books have been written to share knowledge, inspiration, and discoveries. What many of us may not realize is that the Middle Ages determined what texts were handed down from Antiquity onwards. Had it not been for the scribes... -
A Closer Look at Costumes
An almost forgotten skill
The present beautiful and well preserved old binding from the first half of the 15th century is not only a magnificent example of the rare and sublime technique of cuir-ciselé (carved leather), but also still has its original chain with... -
Bellemare miniature now at the Louvre
Crucifixion (France, Paris, c. 1520-1530), a beautiful miniature attributed to the workshop of Noël Bellemare, is now in the collection of the Musée du Louvre, Départment des Arts graphiques (RF 55350). It has recently been on display as part of... -
Flowers Are Flourishing
Virtue Visualized in Fine Medieval Books
Droits d’armes de noblesse: A Burgundian Masterpiece
Upside Down World
Many of you might have experienced the most bizarre and foolish of times in Basel: since four o'clock a.m. last Monday, 'Frau Fasnacht' (Madame Shrovetide) ruled the city. Cliques were parading up and down the city centre as well as... -
A Taste of TEFAF
Miniature returns to original book
God in Majesty, and additional scenes (France, Paris, c. 1465), this beautiful single leaf with a four-part miniature, was part of a Book of Hours now at the Pierpont Morgan Library (Ms. M. 1003), with this leaf originally falling between... -
The Gutenberg Bible
The famous Gutenberg Bible - the crown jewel of printed books - is Europe's first substantial book that was printed using moveable metal type. A true work of art, this book's majestic craftsmanship has never been surpassed. The present 13... -
Chronique universelle
Chronique universelle, world history, Duc de Berry, Joan of Arc -
Medieval Mysticism
Distinguished Patrons
Not often, unknown Dutch manuscripts turn up that can be identified by the coats of arms of their noble patrons. A remarkable Book of Hours made in Delft, contains, on three pages, the coats of arms of Hendrick Nagel van... -
Remarkable Terence
Sozomeno umanista pistoiese
New research on the great humanist Sozomeno da Pistoia (1387-1458) – complementing recent publications – will be presented on a conference in Pistoia, Biblioteca Comunale Forteguerriana, on Friday, 1 December 2017. See a magnificent manuscript of his work in our... -
Research and Discovery
Bruges Book of Hours exhibited in London
Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books is pleased to participate in an engaging exhibition at London's White Space Gallery, From Pages to Sculpture: Artists' Books 1430 to the Present (5 - 22 October 2017). This thematic look at books as artistic... -
Some of our finest miniatures
Gutenberg Bible, Book of Joshua
Celebrating the opening of the new wing in the Swiss National Museum/Landesmuseum Zürich, our Book of Joshua from the Gutenberg Bible, was on loan to the exhibition Europe in the Renaissance. Metamorphoses 1400-1600 (Fall 2016). It features splendidly in the... -
A manuscript returning home
On 7 September 2017, Castle-Museum Huis Bergh at s'Heerenbergh celebrated the acquisition of our exceptional Chronicles manuscript, made c. 1460, likely for William II, count of Bergh (d. 1465). Two scholars, Prof. Johan Oosterman (Radboud University Nijmegen) and Rob Dückers... -
The Nassau-Vianden Armorial
The Royal Library in The Hague recently acquired from us the Nassau-Vianden Armorial (c. 1485-1495), which was presented to the public at a conference devoted to heraldry and historiography on 22 September 2017. This is the oldest known armorial of... -
Royal Details
Celebrating the Swiss
Compendium for Juan II
Queen Isabella, King Juan II, Christopher Columbus, Illuminated Manuscript, medieval, world map, royal Spanish manuscript, Mirror of Princes, Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books AG -
Titus Livius, Les décades
This supreme manuscript of Livy's History of Rome translated into French, was written and illuminated in France, Metz, 1440. Illustrated with 87 miniatures, the manuscript offers everything that the Middle Ages are supposed to be: battles, jousts, knights, armour, castles,... -
The De Croix Hours
The De Croix Hours is a masterpiece. A manuscript in dazzling condition, with 69 miniatures painted by the three greatest Parisian illuminators of their time (Paris, c. 1425-50). Its beauty is nearly inconceivable. -
Patrons from the Clergy
Spotlight: Art & Design in Dialogue
Royal TEFAF 2017 Highlights
Heroes & Heroines
Royal Radegund
UBS Arts Forum
In May 2017, Jörn Günther and his team settled on the premises of Schloss Wolfsberg (Ermatingen, Switzerland, with a beautiful view of Lake Constance and the Isle of Reichenau). There, we presented a choice collection of medieval manuscripts and early... -
Printing for Propaganda
In the 16th century, the westward expansion of the Ottoman Empire constituted a menace to the West. From the years in which the Turks conquered the southeast of Europe until 1529, when Vienna was besieged, the war to stop them... -
Fine Miniatures
Impetus for Exploration
Italian Illumination
Nikolaus Glockendon
Splendour of Burgundy, Part I
Splendour of Burgundy, Part II
A Collection of Early Printed Books
Books with 'Imperial' Content
Royal Patrons
The finest medieval manuscripts were custom-made for patrons who enjoyed adding their ownership marks: whether a coat of arms, a motto, or perhaps only their initials. In a series of brief presentations we will highlight a selection of ‘patronized‘ books... -
Catalonia & Southern France
The Northern Netherlands
Collecting Medieval Manuscripts Pt. 2 – Collecting in Context
Celebrating Christmas
Delightfully Dutch
Utrecht, Guelders, Haarlem, Delft, Leiden, Sluis, Breda -
Medieval Medicine
Collecting Medieval Manuscripts – Pt. 1
When considering collecting medieval manuscripts, it may seem difficult - at first- to decide how and what to collect. As the options are numerous, it is wise to consult an expert. We at Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books are ready...