
Titus Livius, Les décades

An extraordinary copy of Livy's "History of Rome" in French translation
December 12, 2017

This supreme manuscript of Livy's History of Rome translated into French, was written and illuminated in France, Metz, 1440. Illustrated with 87 miniatures, the manuscript offers everything that the Middle Ages are supposed to be: battles, jousts, knights, armour, castles, trumpeters, kings, maidens, banquets, and so on, in a profusion of colour and chivalric splendour. Extraordinarily, on the last leaf of the book, the makers of this manuscript are not only named, but there is also a self-portrait of the artist, Henri d'Orquevaulx, and a portrait of the scribe, Jeannin de Rouen, together with a portrait of the patron, Jean III de Vy.




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