- The Hours of Catherine of Aragon Jean Pichore and workshop, c. 1509
- A Textbook for the Renaissance Prince: The Perceforest for Antoine of Lorraine Jean Coene IV, France, Paris, c. 1505 - 1508
- A Gem from the Exclusive Arenberg Library Master of Jannecke Bollengier, Flanders, Bruges, c. 1500
- Florentine bookmaking at its finest: The Carnesecchi-Velluti Book of Hours Attavante degli Attavanti and workshop, Italy, Florence, c. 1490, adapted, c. 1515
- A remarkable Witness to female Patronage: The Hours of Isabella D’Este Gherardo and Monte di Giovanni del Fora, Italy, Florence, c. 1490
- A French-Italian Fusion: the Pforzheimer Book of Hours Jacopo Ravaldi (Master of the della Rovere Missals) and another artist from the circle of Jean Bourdichon (Jean Letiboniet?), Italy, Rome, c. 1480
- A Charming Discovery: Florentine Book of Hours Florence, Italy, c. 1475-1490
- The Golden Legacy of a Great City: Book of Hours, use of Rouen The Master of the Échevinage de Rouen and Robert Boyvin, France, Rouen, c. 1470-1480
- Showcasing the legacies of visionary artists: The John Ruskin Hours The workshop of Lieven van Lathem, the Master of the Vie de Sainte Colette and other masters, Flanders, Antwerp, c. 1465/1470
- Book of Hours from the Masters of the Zwolle Bible Masters of the Zwolle Bible, Northern Netherlands, Zwolle, c. 1465-75
- Transforming Tradition: Book of Hours by the Master of Marguerite de Willerval MASTER OF MARGUERITE DE WILLERVAL, Rennes?, France, c. 1440
- Inspired by Giotto: An Antiphonary made by the Master of Santa Cecilia Florence, Italy, c. 1300-1305
- From the Lifetime of St Francis: A luxurious Psalter Workshop of the Franciscan Master of Bruges, Flanders, Bruges, c. 1255-1260
- Peter Lombard's Magnificent Psalms Commentary with Gold Margins Workshop of the Vie de Saint Denis, France, Paris, c. 1230-50
- Warburg Rosarium: a sublime example of Simon Bening's later work Simon Bening, Bruges, after 1530
- The Bishop of Cuba's Exquisitely Illuminated Mass An artist from the circle of Simon Bening, Flanders, Bruges, 1540
- Stirrings of the heart trapped on vellum: A Recueil de Rondeaux from the court of Francis I and Claude of France France, Paris, 1520
- The Wedding Hours: an Imperial Manuscript for Bianca Maria Sforza’s Marriage Master of Anna Sforza (Nicoletto de Modena?), Milan, 1493
- Secular Missal for Soissons Vincent Master, Soissons, 1250-1275
- Bernwardpsalter Hildesheim, Germany, 1020
- Two Chronicles of Bavarian Nobility in Original, Gilt Ottheinrich Binding Germany, Bavaria, 1550-1553
- Isidore of Seville, Etymologiae, Books I-XX France, possibly St. Amand Abbey, with 12th century additions in Tournai, St. Martin’s Abbey, 10th century - with 12th century additions
- Four Gospels with Kephalaia, and other texts Copied by Manuel Hagiostephanites for John of Crete, Cyprus, 1156
- Mirror of Human Salvation, illustrated by the court painter of Merano Magister Konrad, Austria, Tyrol, 1386
- Lamentation of Faith: Poems Encouraging Crusade Master of the Entry of François I, France, presumably Lyon, 1504-1506
- Psalter, use of Sarum England, 1400-1425
- Expositio in Cantica canticorum, in holländischer Übersetzung Nordniederlande, 1415
- Büchlein der ewigen Weisheit Deutschland, Nürnberg, 1435
- Les décades Henri d’Orquevaulx, Frankreich, Metz, 1440
- Book of Fables with 84 drawings Deutschland, Regensburg (?), 1453
- A Dazzling Treasure – A Book of Hours in the Ghent-Bruges Style Circles of the Master of Charles V and the Master of Cardinal Wolsey, Southern Netherlands, Hainaut, Valenciennes or Cambrai (?), c. 1520
- Missale Fratrum Minorum Bartolomeo Caporali, Italy, Perugia, 1469
- First Punic War Joannes de Justinopolis, Kroatien, Zadar, 1470
- Dyson Perrins Psalter-Hours workshop of the Bible moralisée, France, Paris, c. 1250-1260
- Biblia Latina with Hebrew names Italy, Tuscany, Pisa (?), c. 1258
- 'Chronique Universelle' or World Chronicle France, possibly Bourges, 1480-1500
- Le Tresorier ... des Pierres Precieuses Meister des Raphael de Mercatellis, Flandern, Gent/Brügge, 1484
- Gallimard Book of Hours Harvard Hannibal Master, the Talbot Master, and a third Parisian artist, France, Paris, 1415-1425
- Labarde Book of Hours France, Tours, 1490-1500
- Hofmann Prayer Book, in German Nikolaus Glockendon, South Germany, Nuremberg, 1513-1514
- Passion Christi Nikolaus Glockendon, Deutschland, Nürnberg, 1521
- Röder von Rodeneck Beutelbuch Katharina Röder von Rodeneck, Deutschland, Stift Frauenalb (bei Karlsruhe), 1540
- Vorbereitungen zur Messe für Priester und Laien Pieter Engel, Flämisch Brabant, Abtei Heverlee (nahe Löwen), 1582
- The Book Called Apocalypse Russia, Soligalich, 1712-1713
- Classical Models for the Education of the Duke of Lorraine Master of Philippa of Guelders - Jean Coene IV - Master circle Pichore, France, Paris, c. 1508
- Sammelband mit volkssprachlichen Chroniken Niederlande, Geldern, zwischen 1453 und 1461
- The Wonders of the World from the Library of the King of Naples Giovanni Marco Cinico (scribe), Cola Rapicano (illuminator), Italy, Naples, 1475
- Stundenbuch des Francesco Borromeo Ambrogio de Predis, Italien, Mailand, vor dem 11. Mai 1474
- Jaharis Byzantinisches Lektionar Byzanz, Konstantinopel, 1100
- Gospel Lectionary for Franciscan use France, Avignon, 1325-1350
- Stammheimer Missale Deutschland, Hildesheim, um 1170-1180
- Neues Testament, lateinisch Italien, Verona, 1215
- Brilliant English Bible England, Oxford or Salisbury, 1250-1260
- Antiphonary Italy, Venice, 1250
- Biblia Latina – Pocket Bible Mathurin workshop, France, Paris, 1250
- Golden Age of Innovation: 13th Century One-Volume Parisian Bible Royal Psalter workshop, France, Paris, 1260-1270
- Biblia Latina, Taschenbibel Frankreich, Paris, 1250
- Croismare Book of Hours and prayerbook, use of Rouen France, Rouen, c. 1490-1500
- Biblia latina Germany, Soest, c. 1300
- Fascinating Illumination in this Comprehensive Compilation of Canon Law Workshop of Maître Honoré, France, Paris , 1281-1300
- Book of Hours, use of Soissons or Laon Mazarine Master, France, Paris, c. 1405
- The Wardington Hours Bedford workshop, France, Paris, c. 1410 and 1430
- Book of Hours, use of Troyes Meister des Rohan-Stundenbuches, Frankreich, Troyes, c. 1415-1420
- Kommentar zur Apokalypse, italienisch Italien, Venedig, c. 1420
- De Croix Stundenbuch Meister der Münchner Legenda Aurea, Meister des Harvard Hannibal und Dunois Meister, Frankreich, Paris, c. 1430-1435
- McKell Medical Almanac Diebold Lauber workshop, Alsace, Hagenau, c. 1445
- Compendium of History, Religion, Medicine and Prophecy Austria, c. 1450
- Comoediae sex Italy or Spain, Kingdom of Aragon and Naples, c. 1450-1475
- Caesar's Gallic Wars Ippolyta Meister, Italien, Mailand, c. 1450-1475
- Chronica, ab origine mundi Italy, Pistoia, c. 1460-1470
- Rochechouart-Stundenbuch für den Gebrauch von Rom Jean Poyer Umkreis und Giovanni Todeschino, Frankreich, Tours, vor 1504
- Leben der Heiligen Radegunde Meister der Heiligen Radegunde, Frankreich, Poitiers, zwischen 1496 und 1498
- Mountnorris Stundenbuch für den Gebrauch von Rom Bernardino Cignoni, Nordostitalien, Veneto (?), c. 1475-1490
- Dupont Book of Hours Workshop of the Master of the Échevinage de Rouen, France, Rouen, c. 1470-1480
- Book of Hours by the Master of the London Jason Master of the London Jason, Haarlem, c. 1470-80
- Brevier des Erzbischofs Hermann von Hessen, Sommerteil, für den Gebrauch von Köln Deutschland, Köln, c. 1480-1488, vielleicht 1485
- Hearst Book of Hours Master of Jacques de Besançon, with participation of the Master of the Chronique Scandaleuse, France, Paris, c. 1480-1490
- Ferial Psalter Southern Germany, Constance, c. 1480-1490
- Das Nassau-Vianden Wappenbuch Herold von Nassau-Vianden, Brabant, Breda oder Brüssel (?), um 1485-1495
- Chivalric Treatise of Europe with 63 Coats of Arms Brügger Meister von 1482, Flandern, Brügge, um 1486
- Gebetbuch im Dialekt von Köln und Umgebung Deutschland, Köln (?), c. 1486
- Fencing treatise Southern Germany, Augsburg, c. 1490
- Boccaccio's Historical Biographies in French Umkreis Maître François (François le Barbier), Frankreich, Paris, c. 1470
- Stundenbuch für den Gebrauch von Rom Meister der Triumphe Petrarcas, Frankreich, Tours, c. 1490-1500
- On Governing – and Uniting – Spain, for Juan II, King of Castile and Leon Spanien, c. 1425
- Missale Romanum Meister der Paulusbriefe, Böhmen, Prag, c. 1400
- Stundenbuch für Louis XII, Gebrauch von Rennes Jean Pichore, Werkstatt, Frankreich, Paris, um 1500-1515
- Totenoffizium und Heiligenlitanei Süddeutschland, Konstanz, c. 1500-1525
- Beauchamp-Corbet Stundenbuch für den Gebrauch von Sarum Milemete-Gruppe, England, London, 1328
- An exceptional Commission: A complete Latin Bible with an intriguing Illustration Cycle Bible Moralisée Werkstatt, Frankreich, Paris, c. 1220-1230
- Moraulx dictz des philosophes Guillaume II Le Roy, France, Lyon, c. 1515-25
- Gebetbuch für den jungen Karl V. – mit seinem vor-kaiserlichen Wappen Mitarbeiter von Simon Bening, Flandern, Brügge (?), c. 1516-1517
- Book of Flower Studies Master of Claude de France, France, Tours, c. 1520
- Miniaturstundenbuch für den Gebrauch von Rom Simon Bening, Flandern, Brügge, c. 1530-1535
- Early English Script - De Laude Virginitatis Southern England, probably Glastonbury or Worcester, c. 800
- Evangeliar Frankreich, Bretagne, c. 900-925
- Stundenbuch für den Gebrauch von Utrecht Niederlande, Delft, letztes Viertel des 15. Jahrhunderts
- Extensively Decorated Latin Bible Circle of artists which illuminated the Bible of Jean de Cardaillac, France, possibly Toulouse, last quarter of the 13th century.
- Das "Courtenay Compendium": Sammelband mit Marco Polos “Die Wunder der Welt” und anderen Texten England, Breamore Abbey oder Glastonbury Abbey?, spätes 14. Jahrhundert
- Paulusbriefe mit Glossen Simon Meister, Nordfrankreich oder Südengland, drittes Viertel des 12. Jahrhunderts