Flemish Illumination at its Finest: The Spitzer Hours the Master of the David Scenes in the Grimani Breviary, the Master of the Prayerbooks of around 1500, the Master of Add. 15677 and a hand from the circle of the Master of James IV of Scotland, Flanders, Bruges, c. 1520
The Hours of Catherine of Aragon Jean Pichore and workshop, c. 1509
A Tiny Gilded Treasure: The Hachette Hours for Claude de France Master of Claude de France, France, Tours, c. 1508-1512
A Textbook for the Renaissance Prince: The Perceforest for Antoine of Lorraine Jean Coene IV, France, Paris, c. 1505 - 1508
A Gem from the Exclusive Arenberg Library Master of Jannecke Bollengier, Flanders, Bruges, c. 1500
Florentine bookmaking at its finest: The Carnesecchi-Velluti Book of Hours Attavante degli Attavanti and workshop, Italy, Florence, c. 1490, adapted, c. 1515
A remarkable Witness to female Patronage: The Hours of Isabella D’Este Gherardo and Monte di Giovanni del Fora, Italy, Florence, c. 1490
A French-Italian Fusion: the Pforzheimer Book of Hours Jacopo Ravaldi (Master of the della Rovere Missals) and another artist from the circle of Jean Bourdichon (Jean Letiboniet?), Italy, Rome, c. 1480
A Charming Discovery: Florentine Book of Hours Florence, Italy, c. 1475-1490
The Golden Legacy of a Great City: Book of Hours, use of Rouen The Master of the Échevinage de Rouen and Robert Boyvin, France, Rouen, c. 1470-1480
Showcasing the legacies of visionary artists: The John Ruskin Hours The workshop of Lieven van Lathem, the Master of the Vie de Sainte Colette and other masters, Flanders, Antwerp, c. 1465/1470
Book of Hours from the Masters of the Zwolle Bible Masters of the Zwolle Bible, Northern Netherlands, Zwolle, c. 1465-75
Transforming Tradition: Book of Hours by the Master of Marguerite de Willerval MASTER OF MARGUERITE DE WILLERVAL, Rennes?, France, c. 1440
Inspired by Giotto: An Antiphonary made by the Master of Santa Cecilia Florence, Italy, c. 1300-1305
From the Lifetime of St Francis: A luxurious Psalter Workshop of the Franciscan Master of Bruges, Flanders, Bruges, c. 1255-1260
Peter Lombard's Magnificent Psalms Commentary with Gold Margins Workshop of the Vie de Saint Denis, France, Paris, c. 1230-50
Warburg Rosarium: a sublime example of Simon Bening's later work Simon Bening, Bruges, after 1530
The Bishop of Cuba's Exquisitely Illuminated Mass An artist from the circle of Simon Bening, Flanders, Bruges, 1540
Stirrings of the heart trapped on vellum: A Recueil de Rondeaux from the court of Francis I and Claude of France France, Paris, 1520
The Wedding Hours: an Imperial Manuscript for Bianca Maria Sforza’s Marriage Master of Anna Sforza (Nicoletto de Modena?), Milan, 1493
Secular Missal for Soissons Vincent Master, Soissons, 1250-1275
Bernwardpsalter Hildesheim, Germany, 1020
Two Chronicles of Bavarian Nobility in Original, Gilt Ottheinrich Binding Germany, Bavaria, 1550-1553
Isidore of Seville, Etymologiae, Books I-XX France, possibly St. Amand Abbey, with 12th century additions in Tournai, St. Martin’s Abbey, 10th century - with 12th century additions
Four Gospels with Kephalaia, and other texts Copied by Manuel Hagiostephanites for John of Crete, Cyprus, 1156
Mirror of Human Salvation, illustrated by the court painter of Merano Magister Konrad, Austria, Tyrol, 1386
Lamentation of Faith: Poems Encouraging Crusade Master of the Entry of François I, France, presumably Lyon, 1504-1506
Psalter, use of Sarum England, 1400-1425
Expositio in Cantica canticorum, in holländischer Übersetzung Nordniederlande, 1415
Büchlein der ewigen Weisheit Deutschland, Nürnberg, 1435
Les décades Henri d’Orquevaulx, Frankreich, Metz, 1440
Book of Fables with 84 drawings Deutschland, Regensburg (?), 1453
A Dazzling Treasure – A Book of Hours in the Ghent-Bruges Style Circles of the Master of Charles V and the Master of Cardinal Wolsey, Southern Netherlands, Hainaut, Valenciennes or Cambrai (?), c. 1520
Missale Fratrum Minorum Bartolomeo Caporali, Italy, Perugia, 1469
First Punic War Joannes de Justinopolis, Kroatien, Zadar, 1470
Dyson Perrins Psalter-Hours workshop of the Bible moralisée, France, Paris, c. 1250-1260
Biblia Latina with Hebrew names Italy, Tuscany, Pisa (?), c. 1258
'Chronique Universelle' or World Chronicle France, possibly Bourges, 1480-1500
Le Tresorier ... des Pierres Precieuses Meister des Raphael de Mercatellis, Flandern, Gent/Brügge, 1484
Gallimard Book of Hours Harvard Hannibal Master, the Talbot Master, and a third Parisian artist, France, Paris, 1415-1425
Labarde Book of Hours France, Tours, 1490-1500
Hofmann Prayer Book, in German Nikolaus Glockendon, South Germany, Nuremberg, 1513-1514
Passion Christi Nikolaus Glockendon, Deutschland, Nürnberg, 1521
Röder von Rodeneck Beutelbuch Katharina Röder von Rodeneck, Deutschland, Stift Frauenalb (bei Karlsruhe), 1540
Vorbereitungen zur Messe für Priester und Laien Pieter Engel, Flämisch Brabant, Abtei Heverlee (nahe Löwen), 1582
The Book Called Apocalypse Russia, Soligalich, 1712-1713
Classical Models for the Education of the Duke of Lorraine Master of Philippa of Guelders - Jean Coene IV - Master circle Pichore, France, Paris, c. 1508
Sammelband mit volkssprachlichen Chroniken Niederlande, Geldern, zwischen 1453 und 1461
The Wonders of the World from the Library of the King of Naples Giovanni Marco Cinico (scribe), Cola Rapicano (illuminator), Italy, Naples, 1475
Stundenbuch des Francesco Borromeo Ambrogio de Predis, Italien, Mailand, vor dem 11. Mai 1474
Jaharis Byzantinisches Lektionar Byzanz, Konstantinopel, 1100
Gospel Lectionary for Franciscan use France, Avignon, 1325-1350
Stammheimer Missale Deutschland, Hildesheim, um 1170-1180
Neues Testament, lateinisch Italien, Verona, 1215
Brilliant English Bible England, Oxford or Salisbury, 1250-1260
Antiphonary Italy, Venice, 1250
Biblia Latina – Pocket Bible Mathurin workshop, France, Paris, 1250
Golden Age of Innovation: 13th Century One-Volume Parisian Bible Royal Psalter workshop, France, Paris, 1260-1270
Biblia Latina, Taschenbibel Frankreich, Paris, 1250
Croismare Book of Hours and prayerbook, use of Rouen France, Rouen, c. 1490-1500
Biblia latina Germany, Soest, c. 1300
Fascinating Illumination in this Comprehensive Compilation of Canon Law Workshop of Maître Honoré, France, Paris , 1281-1300
Book of Hours, use of Soissons or Laon Mazarine Master, France, Paris, c. 1405
The Wardington Hours Bedford workshop, France, Paris, c. 1410 and 1430
Book of Hours, use of Troyes Meister des Rohan-Stundenbuches, Frankreich, Troyes, c. 1415-1420
Kommentar zur Apokalypse, italienisch Italien, Venedig, c. 1420
De Croix Stundenbuch Meister der Münchner Legenda Aurea, Meister des Harvard Hannibal und Dunois Meister, Frankreich, Paris, c. 1430-1435
McKell Medical Almanac Diebold Lauber workshop, Alsace, Hagenau, c. 1445
Compendium of History, Religion, Medicine and Prophecy Austria, c. 1450
Comoediae sex Italy or Spain, Kingdom of Aragon and Naples, c. 1450-1475
Caesar's Gallic Wars Ippolyta Meister, Italien, Mailand, c. 1450-1475
Chronica, ab origine mundi Italy, Pistoia, c. 1460-1470
Rochechouart-Stundenbuch für den Gebrauch von Rom Jean Poyer Umkreis und Giovanni Todeschino, Frankreich, Tours, vor 1504
Leben der Heiligen Radegunde Meister der Heiligen Radegunde, Frankreich, Poitiers, zwischen 1496 und 1498
Mountnorris Stundenbuch für den Gebrauch von Rom Bernardino Cignoni, Nordostitalien, Veneto (?), c. 1475-1490
Dupont Book of Hours Workshop of the Master of the Échevinage de Rouen, France, Rouen, c. 1470-1480
Book of Hours by the Master of the London Jason Master of the London Jason, Haarlem, c. 1470-80
Brevier des Erzbischofs Hermann von Hessen, Sommerteil, für den Gebrauch von Köln Deutschland, Köln, c. 1480-1488, vielleicht 1485
Hearst Book of Hours Master of Jacques de Besançon, with participation of the Master of the Chronique Scandaleuse, France, Paris, c. 1480-1490
Ferial Psalter Southern Germany, Constance, c. 1480-1490
Das Nassau-Vianden Wappenbuch Herold von Nassau-Vianden, Brabant, Breda oder Brüssel (?), um 1485-1495
Chivalric Treatise of Europe with 63 Coats of Arms Brügger Meister von 1482, Flandern, Brügge, um 1486
Gebetbuch im Dialekt von Köln und Umgebung Deutschland, Köln (?), c. 1486
Fencing treatise Southern Germany, Augsburg, c. 1490
Boccaccio's Historical Biographies in French Umkreis Maître François (François le Barbier), Frankreich, Paris, c. 1470
Stundenbuch für den Gebrauch von Rom Meister der Triumphe Petrarcas, Frankreich, Tours, c. 1490-1500
On Governing – and Uniting – Spain, for Juan II, King of Castile and Leon Spanien, c. 1425
Missale Romanum Meister der Paulusbriefe, Böhmen, Prag, c. 1400
Stundenbuch für Louis XII, Gebrauch von Rennes Jean Pichore, Werkstatt, Frankreich, Paris, um 1500-1515
Totenoffizium und Heiligenlitanei Süddeutschland, Konstanz, c. 1500-1525
Beauchamp-Corbet Stundenbuch für den Gebrauch von Sarum Milemete-Gruppe, England, London, 1328
An exceptional Commission: A complete Latin Bible with an intriguing Illustration Cycle Bible Moralisée Werkstatt, Frankreich, Paris, c. 1220-1230
Moraulx dictz des philosophes Guillaume II Le Roy, France, Lyon, c. 1515-25
Gebetbuch für den jungen Karl V. – mit seinem vor-kaiserlichen Wappen Mitarbeiter von Simon Bening, Flandern, Brügge (?), c. 1516-1517
Book of Flower Studies Master of Claude de France, France, Tours, c. 1520
Miniaturstundenbuch für den Gebrauch von Rom Simon Bening, Flandern, Brügge, c. 1530-1535
Early English Script - De Laude Virginitatis Southern England, probably Glastonbury or Worcester, c. 800
Evangeliar Frankreich, Bretagne, c. 900-925
Stundenbuch für den Gebrauch von Utrecht Niederlande, Delft, letztes Viertel des 15. Jahrhunderts
Extensively Decorated Latin Bible Circle of artists which illuminated the Bible of Jean de Cardaillac, France, possibly Toulouse, last quarter of the 13th century.
Das "Courtenay Compendium": Sammelband mit Marco Polos “Die Wunder der Welt” und anderen Texten England, Breamore Abbey oder Glastonbury Abbey?, spätes 14. Jahrhundert
Paulusbriefe mit Glossen Simon Meister, Nordfrankreich oder Südengland, drittes Viertel des 12. Jahrhunderts
Epic Deeds of Bon Chevalier, Jacques de Lalaing Simon Bening and workshop, Flanders, Bruges, written c. 1480s, painted c. 1520s.