Book of Hours, use of Utrecht,
Manuscript on vellum in Dutch, illuminated by the Master of the London Jason Haarlem, c. 1470-1480

Book of Hours, use of Utrecht,
Manuscript on vellum in Dutch, illuminated by the Master of the London Jason Haarlem, c. 1470-1480

Book of Hours, use of Utrecht,
Manuscript on vellum in Dutch, illuminated by the Master of the London Jason Haarlem, c. 1470-1480

Book of Hours, use of Utrecht,
Manuscript on vellum in Dutch, illuminated by the Master of the London Jason Haarlem, c. 1470-1480

Book of Hours, use of Utrecht,
Manuscript on vellum in Dutch, illuminated by the Master of the London Jason Haarlem, c. 1470-1480

Book of Hours, use of Utrecht,
Manuscript on vellum in Dutch, illuminated by the Master of the London Jason Haarlem, c. 1470-1480

One of the most outstanding illuminators of Haarlem, the Master of the London Jason has a delicate hand with a wonderful sense of storytelling. The fine faces and ornate borders make for extremely evocative miniatures, and, as exhibited in the Raising of Lazarus, there is a sense of the viewer being an unknown onlooker through a portico. The lush garments and lively colours make this work especially precious, and the inhabitant of the diocese of Utrecht who likely commissioned the work was also likely the reason for the suffrages to female saints Margaret and Barbara, who have prominence throughout. The rubrics in Latin and all the text in Dutch suggests that the manuscript was destined for the private use of a laic, or a nun not versed in Latin.
This Book of Hours was sold to the Tuliba Collection.