Biblia Pauperum: Bifolium from a block book in Latin Netherlands, c. 1465-70
Dedicated to the Medici Duke: The Practice of Perspective Girolamo Franceschi, Venice, 1596
Luxury Copy of the Premonstratensian Missal 1578
Fighting against Charlemagne: The tragic History of the Haimonskinder Simmern, 1535
A New Perspective: A trailblazing Sammelband of Dürer's Theoretical Works 1527-1538
All three of Albrecht Dürer's groundbreaking artists' manuals Albrecht Dürer, Nuremberg, 1525-1528
The Heldenbuch: A German Epic Hagenau, 1509
Der Schatzbehalter: A Landmark in Book Illustration Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff, Nuremberg, 1491
Speculum Humanae – a rare gem from Peter Berger's Augsburg press Augsburg, 1489
Extraordinarily Rare Block Book on the Art of Dying Follower of Master E.S., Netherlandish or Rhenish, c. 1467-1469
Mirror of Human Salvation, with almost 200 woodcuts Bämler Meister, Augsburg, not after 1473
Exciting Voyages of Herzog Ernst Sorg-Meister, Ausgsburg, c. 1485-1486
Lively Fables: Das buch der Natürlichen weißheit Urach, c. 1480-1481
St. Bridget's Revelationes Lübeck, befor 25 November 1492
Prognosticatio in Latino Germany, Heidelberg, after 1 April 1488
The First French Edition of this Early Printed Description of Africa Lyon, 4 January and 20 June 1556
La destruction de troye la grant Paris, 28 April 1490
Opera de facti e praecepti militari Matteo de' Pasti, Verona, 17. Februar 1483
Love Stories – Das Buch der Liebe in its Only Edition Frankfurt am Main, 1587
Extremely Rare Luther Old Testament Lucas Cranach, Wittenberg, 1524
First Printed Treatise on Perspective in its First German Edition Jörg Glockendon, Nuremberg, 1509
Hug Schapler – French Royal Romances in German Strasbourg, 1500
Boccaccio's First Masterpiece – The First and Only Complete German Translation Metz, 1499
Moral Guidance for Young Ladies Augsburg, 1498
The Adventures of a Wife Betrayed Leipzig, 1495
Rare Fables of Courage and Temperance: Pseudo-Cyrillus Augsburg, 1490
The Legend of Melusine and Raymond Heidelberg, 1491
The Prankster of Vienna Heidelberg, 1490
A Tale of Courtly Love Strassburg, 1477
The First Printed Book on Chess Augsburg, 1477
A Buddhist Story through a Christian Lens Augsburg, 1476-1480
Maximilian I as an Epic Hero – An Illuminated, Princely Edition of the Theuerdank Hans Schäufelein, Hans Burgkmair, Leonhard Beck, Jost de Negker and others, Nuremberg, Augsburg, 1 March 1517
Psalterium Moguntium – Zwei Blätter aus dem Mainzer Psalter Mainz, 1457
Consolation of the Soul Sorg-Master, Germany, Augsburg, 14 March 1483
Indulgence from Pope Sixtus IV Germany, perhaps Zwickau, 1482
Sir Mandeville's Travels Gouda, 1483-vor Juni 1484
Liber chronicarum Michael Wolgemut, Wilhelm Pleydenwurff, and others, Germany, Nuremberg, 1493
Loosbuch – Book of Fortune Strasbourg, 1546
Epistola de insulis nuper inventis Meister des Haintz Narr, Basel, 1494
Fated Lovers: Pontus und Sidonia Strasbourg, 1539
The Life of the Virgin Albrecht Dürer, Nuremberg, 1502-1510
Apocalypsis cum figuris Albrecht Dürer, Nürnberg, 1511
Brunfels' innovative Herbals Strasbourg, 1531-1532
Psalter, polyglot Italy, Genoa, 1516
Seminal Botany Book with Lifelike Woodcuts Albert Meyer and Heinrich Füllmaurer, Basel, 1543
A Knight’s Tale: The Prose Version of Wigoleis vom Rade Strasbourg, 1519
Seminal Work on Anatomy Nuremberg, 1551
Corpus Doctrinae “Heinrichstadt” (Wolfenbüttel), 1576-1577
Die schöne Sommerzeit des ewigen Lebens Wittenberg, 1603
The Tree of Science Barcelona, 20 August 1505
Encyclopedia of Nature with 11 full-page woodciuts Bellaert Master, Netherlands, Haarlem, 24 December 1485
Belial – the Devil Sues Christ for Trespass Strasbourg, 1481
La commedia Italy, Brescia, 31 May 1487
The Antichrist and Fifteen Signs Before Doomsday Germany, Nuremberg, c. 1450
Die Gutenberg Bibel: Buch Josua Mainz, c. 1454
Witty Sayings on Human Weakness Germany, Nuremberg, c. 1460-1470