
  • Upside Down World

    These foolish things...
    Grotesque creatures from a French Book of Hours
    Grotesque creatures from a French Book of Hours

    Many of you might have experienced the most bizarre and foolish of times in Basel: since four o'clock a.m. last Monday, "Frau Fasnacht" (Madame Shrovetide) ruled the city. Cliques were parading up and down the city centre as well as in front of the Antiquariat Dr. Jörn Günther, playing their music; stopping only occasionally to have a drink or a hot flour soup to refresh and restore themselves. 

    The idea of the inverse world – where everyday laws are turned upside down and those who usually have to bow their heads and serve call the shots – reaches back to antiquity. The chasing away of winter, darkness, and evil spirits has been a tradition since ancient times.




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Tel. +41 61 275 75 75

We are open Monday to Friday, 8.30 - 12.30 and 13.30 - 17.30.


Basel Office:

Gemsberg 10
4051 Basel



Stalden Office: 

Mosboden 1

6063 Stalden



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