Frieze Masters

  • Art as Therapy

    Lesson Learned: What an Artwork Can Teach You
    Art as Therapy

    This year, our exhibition at Frieze Masters has an unusual theme. Inspired by Alain de Botton’s and John Armstrong’s book Art as Therapy, the exhibition will include a thematic display that focuses on the emotions that the artworks convey, or on life lessons to be learned from the works. Loosely based on the ideas from the book and the teachings of The School of Life, some of the thematic cases will show artistic depictions of life skills, such as resilience, curiosity, and virtue.




Please contact us with any inquiries:


Tel. +41 61 275 75 75

We are open Monday to Friday, 8.30 - 12.30 and 13.30 - 17.30.


Basel Office:

Gemsberg 10
4051 Basel



Stalden Office: 

Mosboden 1

6063 Stalden



Visitors are welcome by appointment.


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