Dr. Natascha A. Domeisen

Head of Public Relations and Marketing

After graduating from Oxford in 2022, Dr Natascha Domeisen (BA Heidelberg, Mst Oxford, Dphil Oxford) joined the team at Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books in 2023 as Medieval Manuscript Researcher. She now oversees the company’s outreach, social media and marketing strategy and supports the owner and MD with sales.


Natascha is a manuscripts and rare books expert by training with strong interdisciplinary background and expertise in medieval German literature, language, culture, and History of the Book from the 12th to the 16th century. Her Dphil thesis focused on the media history of courtly German manuscripts and the intersection of print and manuscript culture at the turn of the 15th century. 


She has previously worked as Tutor at Oxford University and as Rare Books Cataloguer for Oriel College, Oxford, cataloguing over 17’000 books and manuscripts.


Contact information:


+41 (0)61 275 75 62




Please contact us with any inquiries:


Tel. +41 61 275 75 75

We are open Monday to Friday, 8.30 - 12.30 and 13.30 - 17.30.




Basel Office:

Gemsberg 10
4051 Basel



Stalden Office: 

Mosboden 1

6063 Stalden



Visitors are welcome by appointment.


For press information please contact Dr. Natascha Domeisen at nd@guenther-rarebooks.com. 
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