Kunstwerke / Werke
CloseBook of Hours from the Masters of the Zwolle BibleMasters of the Zwolle Bible, Northern Netherlands, Zwolle, c. 1465-75SoldBook of Hours for the use of Utrecht, in the Dutch translation of Geert Groote.3of 3VorThis Dutch Book of Hours was possibly made for a woman, perhaps the character kneeling in prayer before Christ at the beginning of the Hours of the Eternal Wisdom. The miniatures of this hitherto unknown manuscript are in the style of the Masters of the Zwolle Bible, named for their work on a monumental, six-volume Latin Bible at the house of the Brethren of the Common Life in Zwolle.
Because of an erroneous entry of 'Sarjis' (instead of 'Marjis') in the calendar, the Books of Hours made by this group of illuminators have wrongly been called the 'Sarjis-group', the majority of whose Books of Hours are thought to have been made for women. Notable features of the artists' style is the abstract backgrounds and relatively large figures featured.
This books is an important addition to the corpus of Dutch illuminated manuscripts, and was sold to the Tuliba Collection.