Kunstwerke / Werke
CloseNoel Bellemare (?)Kreuzigung, c. 1520-1530Miniatur, Tempera und Pinselgold auf Pergament, später auf Holz aufgezogen.405 x 300 mmsigniert wohl NB, nicht deutlich erkennbarHide captionKreuzigungNoel Bellemare (?), Frankreich, Paris, c. 1520-1530Christus am Kreuz, mit Maria, Maria Magdalena und Johannes, gemalt als eigenständiges Kunstwerk.probably signed NB, not clearly discernibleMiniature, tempera and liquid gold on vellum, later mounted on a wooden panel405 x 300 mm1of 3ZurückThe style of this comparatively large illumination can be localized and dated within the early-to-mid 16th century in France, likely from the reign of King François I (1494-1547). Betraying a balanced reaction to the Renaissance ideals of drapery, pose, and expression, our elegant Crucifixion was most likely produced as a separate work of art, independently of any bound, illuminated book, and without companion leaves or illustrations.
On the stone at the bottom left, two letters of an inscription can be vaguely discerned: possibly NB? Noël Bellemare was an artist first active in Antwerp c. 1512 but later documented in Paris, where he worked until 1546. The present miniature can be assigned to the so-called “Bellemare Group” and bears close comparison with late works by this workshop, such as the Hours of Anne de Montmorency, on which Bellemare worked at the end of his career with younger Renaissance artists, such as Niccolo dell’Abbate or Jean Cousin.
This work is now in the collection of the Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques, RF 55350.