Videos of a unique Book of Hours

This manuscript illuminated by the Master of Francois de Rohan is now sold. , März 29, 2023
Videos of a unique Book of Hours

This beautiful manuscript is the work of the Master of Francois de Rohan and one other artist. In this first of three videos, Dr Ina Nettekoven introduces this wonderful little prayerbook which was produced in Paris for the English market in the first half of the 16th century. This fantastic book was on display at our stand at TEFAF Maastricht, in March, but is now sold to a private collector. 


In the second  videos, Dr Ina Nettekoven examines the fascinating interplay of English text and illumination as well as the influences of printing and woodcut arts on the illuminations included in this fantastic manuscript.



In the final video, Dr Nettekoven discusses the two artists responsible for the illumination in this book: the Master of Francois de Rohan and the other, unnamed artist who worked in a slightly different style.




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Sara Öberg Strådal

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