Videos on a very special Psalter

Three videos focusing on different aspects of a Psalter by the Franciscan Master , Februar 20, 2023
Videos on a very special Psalter



 In the first of three videos, Dr Sara Öberg Strådal introduces this enchanting little Psalter illuminated by the Franciscan Master of Bruges in the middle of the 13th century. 

In the second video we consider the artist, the talented Franciscan Master of Bruges. The hand of this talented master can be traced in several other manuscripts, all associated with the order of St Francis. 
In the final video, we discuss the fascinating early history of this Psalter. The devotional wear and tear reveal how the patron and early owners interacted with this book over time. This beautiful manuscript can be seen in person at TEFAF, Maastricht in March. 
This stunning manuscript can be viewed in person at TEFAF, Maastricht (stand 114) in March.
More information about our display at TEFAF can be found here.  
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Sara Öberg Strådal

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