This initial A opens with the words "Angelus enim domini …" ("For an angel of the Lord descended"…, Matthew 28:2). The leaf contains the Responsory recited at Matins on the day of the Resurrection of Christ. The scene has been painted with breath-taking originality. It shows an angel descending headlong from heaven, apparently at great speed, seizing the lid of the sarcophagus of Christ while being watched by Mary Magdalene. Two dolphins, which are part of the crossbar of the initial, seem to be startled by the descent. Dolphins were an early Christian symbol of the Resurrection. This miniature (as well as the known companion leaves) shows masked classical architectural motifs and spills out theatrically into the margin. Not much is known of this artist's life (fl. 1474-1504), other than that he was born in Cemma in a family of artists. He was active in the area of Brescia and Cremona. The fine frescoes in the Church of Santa Maria Assunta (Essine, Brescia) are considered his masterpiece (1491-1493).