Materia medica, c. 750-800
Single leaf from Material medica (Book V, text from chapters 63-72), written in Latin on vellum
235-155 mm
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Materia medica, c. 750-800
Single leaf from Material medica (Book V, text from chapters 63-72), written in Latin on vellum
235-155 mm
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Dioscorides' De Materia Medica is the prime historical source of information about medicines and some 600 plants used in antiquity. This elegantly written leaf was made c. 750-800 and comprises a large part of a leaf from Book V: 63-72, which deals with wine made from various herbs. Translated from Greek into Latin sometime in the 6th century, the book continued to be of significant influence up to the Renaissance. Script and contents suggest that our leaf belonged to a manuscript that is considered the earliest known witness of this text version, originating in a scriptorium in the West Frankish region, perhaps around Fleury, Orléans, or Tours in the 8th century.