Carrying the opening of the first feast of the Antiphonal, this page is illuminated more extensively and more splendidly than any other from the original manuscript and it is certainly the work of the principal illuminator. The exquisite monochrome figures in the initial staves and the full-page border inhabited with birds, beasts, and figures are unique features. This artist is not precisely identifiable but he was clearly within the circle and influence of the illuminators responsible for two of the greatest manuscripts produced for the court of Wenceslas IV: the Master of the Golden Bull (Vienna, ÖNB Cod.sel.388) and the Master of the Bible of Konrad of Vechta (Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus, M 15.1-15.2). This leaf can be placed alongside them as one of the highest achievements of Bohemian court illumination and thus of European art of around 1400.
This work is now in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.