
Historia septem sapientum Rome.
Cologne: Johann Koelhoff [the Elder; before 6 November] 1490.
Seventh Latin edition.
200 x 144 mm

Historia septem sapientum Rome.
Cologne: Johann Koelhoff [the Elder; before 6 November] 1490.
Seventh Latin edition.
200 x 144 mm
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Historia septem sapientum Rome.
Cologne: Johann Koelhoff [the Elder; before 6 November] 1490.
Seventh Latin edition.
200 x 144 mm
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23 full-page woodcut illustrations from 11 blocks
This work is now sold.
The eight incunables in this sammelband are as follows:
1. Thomas a Kempis, Imitatio Christi (1485)
2. [Pseudo-] Thomas Aquinas, De arte et vero modo praedicandi (1489)
3. Elegantiarum viginti praecepta (1490)
4. Johannes Gobius, De spiritu Guidonis, Hijstoria de spiritu quodam coniurato per priorem fratrum predicatorum Guidonis (1489)
5. S. Bonaventura, De Praeparatione ad missam (1494)
6. Historia septem sapientum (1490)
7. Expositio hymnorum (1491)
8. Sequentiae: Textus Sequentiarum cum optimo commento (c. 1491)
The Seven Sages of Rome is one of the most popular medieval collections of tales connected by a frame narrative: Emperor Pontianus sends his young son Diocletian to seven wise masters for his education. Returning, Diocletian takes a vow of silence, advised by the stars. During this time,
he rejects the advances of his stepmother the empress, who goes to the emperor and accuses the prince of trying to seduce her. Over seven successive days there follows a competition of stories and counter-stories told by the stepmother and the seven sages, thus putting off the prince’s execution until he is at liberty to tell the truth.
The Seven Sages circulated in various versions, deviating in their inventory of stories. This copy is accompanied by 23 full-page woodcuts,
reminiscent of the Dutch Bellaert Master.
See this item in our brochure, Precious and Precise, and the catalogue, Heroes and Heroines.