
Philipp Frankfurter, Des pfaffen geschicht und histori vom kalenberg. Auch von dem aller schonsten ritter Alexander unnd von seiner schonen frauwe
[Heidelberg]: Heinrich Knoblochtzer, [14]90
Third edition
38 woodcut illustrations

Philipp Frankfurter, Des pfaffen geschicht und histori vom kalenberg. Auch von dem aller schonsten ritter Alexander unnd von seiner schonen frauwe
[Heidelberg]: Heinrich Knoblochtzer, [14]90
Third edition
38 woodcut illustrations

Philipp Frankfurter, Des pfaffen geschicht und histori vom kalenberg. Auch von dem aller schonsten ritter Alexander unnd von seiner schonen frauwe
[Heidelberg]: Heinrich Knoblochtzer, [14]90
Third edition
38 woodcut illustrations

This work is now sold.
One of the outstanding works of German popular literature of the 15th century, this text relays the amusing antics of the Priest of Kalenberg and the pranks and clever tricks he played on the ducal court, fellow clerics, and his peasant parishioners. The protagonist of these tales is based on a real historical figure who is currently identified as Gundaker von Thernberg. Apparently an eccentric and headstrong personality, many droll stories linked to this priest constituted an oral tradition in the 14th and 15th centuries. Philipp Frankfurter (c. 1450-1511), a poet active in Vienna, gathered these circulating tales and composed them in a collection of lively rhymes in German vernacular. All three incunabula editions are extraordinarily scarce.